In C, special characters are used to perform various tasks like controlling the cursor movement, displaying non-printable characters, and more.
Here's a table of some special characters in C and their uses:
Example : printf("Hello\nWorld"); will print "Hello" and "World" on separate lines due to \n.
printf("This is a tab\tseparated"); will print with a tab space between "tab" and "separated" due to \t.
White Space Characters
In C, there are a few special white space characters you can use.
Here's a table outlining some of them:
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C Delimiters
In C, delimiters are characters used to separate parts of a program or data.
Here's a basic table for some commonly used delimiters in C:
These delimiters are essential for structuring C code, such as ending statements with semicolons, separating function arguments with commas, and enclosing code blocks within curly braces.
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