Getting Started With C

When you want to copy the contents of one structure variable into another, you can use the assignment operator (=). This will copy each member from the source structure to the destination structure.

  • Examples :


  • Output:

          Coordinates of p1: (3, 7)
          Coordinates of p2: (3, 7)
          In this example, p1 is copied to p2 using the assignment operator.

    Comparing Structure Variables:

    Comparing structures involves comparing their individual members. You need to compare each member of the structures to determine if they are equal.

  • Examples :


  • Output:

            The points are equal.
      In this example, the comparePoints function checks if the x and y members of the two structures are equal. The result is used to determine whether the structures are equal.

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    With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.


    struct Point {
                                int x;
                                int y;
                            int main() {
                                struct Point p1 = {3, 7};
                                struct Point p2;
                                    return 0;
                            What is the correct way to copy the content of p1 to p2?


    struct Temperature {
                                int degrees;
                                char scale;
                            int compareTemperatures(struct Temperature t1, struct Temperature t2) {
                                return 0;
                            int main() {
                                struct Temperature temp1 = {25, 'C'};
                                struct Temperature temp2 = {25, 'F'};
                                compareTemperatures(temp1, temp2);
                                return 0;
                              How can you correctly compare two Temperature structures, t1 and t2?