The size of a structure is determined by the sum of the sizes of its individual members, with potential additional padding for alignment. The size of the largest member also affects the overall size of the structure. The sizeof operator in C is used to find the size of a structure.
Size of Example struct: 12 bytes
In this example, the size of the Example structure is calculated using sizeof( struct Example). The actual size will depend on the architecture and compiler.
a function in C that takes no arguments and has no return value. In C, such a function is declared with void for both the return type and the parameter list. Here's an example:
This function takes no arguments and has no return value.
In this example, the simpleFunction() takes no arguments, as indicated by the empty parentheses in its declaration, and it has a return type of void. Inside the function, it prints a message to the console.
When a function has no return value, you declare it with void as the return type. Similarly, when a function takes no parameters, you use empty parentheses () to indicate that there are no arguments.
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