Getting Started With C

File management in C involves operations related to reading from and writing to files. In C programming, the standard input/output library provides functions that enable the creation, opening, reading, writing, and closing of files. File management is crucial for tasks such as data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.


In C programming, files are used for storing and retrieving data persistently on a computer's storage media, such as a hard drive or an SSD.

1. Defining a File Pointer:A file pointer is a variable that holds the reference to a file. It's used to navigate through the file and perform various file operations. The FILE structure, defined in stdio.h, is used to create file pointers.

          FILE *filePointer;  // Declare a file pointer
2. Opening a File (fopen):The fopen function is used to open a file. It takes two parameters: the filename and the mode. The mode specifies the purpose of opening the file, such as read, write, or append.
         filePointer = fopen("example.txt", "r");
3.closing a file:Closing a file in C is done using the fclose function. This function is important because it releases system resources associated with the file, making them available for other operations. Here's how you close a file:

  • Examples :


  • Output:

             File 'example.txt' created and closed successfully.
             In example.text file
             Hello, File!
             This is a simple program.

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    Q1. In C programming, what is the purpose of the fopen function?

    Q2. If you want to read data from a file in C, which file mode should you use with fopen?