Getting Started With C

with syntax and key points Each member of a structure can be accessed using the dot (.) operator. Here's a detailed explanation:

Syntax for accessing structure members:

            struct StructureName {
                dataType member1;
                dataType member2;
                // ... more members
            // Creating an instance of the structure

            struct StructureName instance;
            // Accessing structure members

            instance.member1 = value1;
            instance.member2 = value2;

Declaring structure

Use the struct keyword followed by the structure name to declare a structure.
                Inside the curly braces {}, define members with their respective data types.

                struct Point {
                    int x;
                    int y;

Creating Structure Instances:

After defining a structure, create instances by specifying the structure name and a variable name. struct Point p1;

Accessing Structure Members:

Use the dot (.) operator to access structure members. p1.x = 10; p1.y = 20;

Assigning Values:

Assign values to structure members using the assignment operator (=). p1.x = 10; p1.y = 20;

Reading Values:

Access structure members to read their values. int xValue = p1.x; int yValue = p1.y;

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With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

Q1. How do you access a member of a structure variable in C?

Q2. Suppose you have a structure named Person with a member name. How would you access the name member of a structure variable named personVar?