Getting Started With C

Nested structures in c is a structure within structure.We can declare one structure inside the another structure in the same way structure members also declared inside structure.

          1)For example two structures one is College (outer structure)another is student(inner strcuture).
          2)College has some data members like college_id,college_code,college_name.
          3)Student has some data members like student_pin,student_name,student_age etc..
          4)The student structure is nested within the college structure 

          Struct College
	Struct Student

Syntax for accessing the data members of nested structure:

  • Examples :


  • Output:

            Enter name: Cprogram
            Enter age: 34
            Enter street: Belllabaratories
            Enter city: america
            Enter state: america
            Person Information:
            Name: Cprogram
            Age: 34
            Address: Belllabaratories, america, america

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    With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

    Q1. Consider the following nested structures in C: struct Address { char street[50]; char city[30]; }; struct Person { char name[50]; int age; struct Address residence; }; How do you declare a variable named individual of type struct Person?

    Q2. If you want to access the city member of the residence structure for the individual variable, what is the correct syntax?